Sound Art Installation
Sound Art Installation
Project Lead, Workshop Facilitator, Sound Designer
Created in collaboration with Jaime Koh and Kathy Poh, this sound art installation was commissioned by Club Rainbow, a non-profit charitable organisation serving children with chronic illness, and their families. It was displayed at the Dreamseeds Arts Fest 2019, an inclusive arts platform that celebrates the creative pursuits and explorations of Club Rainbow's beneficiaries.
In a workshop conducted in September, participants, comprising of Club Rainbow beneficiaries, were introduced to sound creation, audio recording, and audio processing. Using various materials and items, the participants recorded and edited their own soundscapes in Garageband. In the Soundclouds installation, these 20-second soundscapes were activated via proximity sensors when a person stood in front of a cloud structure. Each cloud structure triggered a unique soundscape as the person moved across the Giving Picnic Mat — another art piece created in collaboration with Club Rainbow beneficiaries, guided by Mary Bernadette Lee.
Anastasia Chieng (15), Foo Wei Xin (14), Goh Jia Yun (20), Lai Zhao Li (13), Jared Lee (16), Jim Lee (15), Ng Jun Rong (15), Reuben Khanal (20), Teo Li Li (13), Yam Fu Yuan (15).
Anastasia Chieng (15), Foo Wei Xin (14), Goh Jia Yun (20), Lai Zhao Li (13), Jared Lee (16), Jim Lee (15), Ng Jun Rong (15), Reuben Khanal (20), Teo Li Li (13), Yam Fu Yuan (15).